
ReactJS Day 2

Now lets change the code from src>App.js if you don’t want to use App.js then you can directly change code of index.js with following: import React from ‘react’;import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom/client’; const myFirstElement = Hello React! const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById(‘root’));root.render(myFirstElement); —— Now App.js file will not be called and our code is directly written here

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Java Tutorial Day 2

Java Tutorial Day 2 Learning Objective: Let’s start with Java Practical List and it’s example with detail explanations. Write a program in Java to generate first n prime numbers Write a program in Java to find maximum of three numbers using conditional operator Write a program in Java to find second maximum of

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Java Tutorial Day 3

Java Tutorial Day 3 Learning Objective: Let’s start with Java Practical List and it’s example with detail explanations. (Continue…) Write a program in Java in which a subclass constructor invokes the constructor of the super class and instantiate the values. Write an application that illustrates method overriding in the same package and different packages.

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